Inflamed jammed joints. Radiating sciatic pain. Raging headaches. Soaring blood pressure. Depressed sex drive. Saggy posture. Scatter brained. Feeble immunity. What can you do when your core buckles and you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders?
THE SPINECHECKER’S MANIFESTO: Drug-free Secrets to Pain-Free Living, More Energy, Anti-Aging, & Better Sleep brings all of the answers into one simple, easy to read guide that will take you out of pain and suffering and into optimal health at any age. It is an integrative approach to healing and healthier living based on chiropractic, yoga, and ancient concepts of life force.
Discover never before discussed essential health requirements you may not even know about that will bring you more energy, better sleep, an enhanced sex drive, clear thinking, and a life free of pain in this hectic fast-paced world. The book incorporates philosophy, metaphysics, science, and simple step-by-step yogic sequences that will teach you how to align, move, stretch, strengthen, energize, and access the sacred geometry of your body and mind.
Before the next crisis brings you down, you’re going to want to read THE SPINECHECKER’S MANIFESTO!
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Greetings! My name is Dr. Jeremy Brook, “The Spinechecker.” I own The Life Center Chiropractic in Los Angeles, a unique center that incorporates the disciplines of traditional chiropractic with yoga, where I adjust patients every day suffering from chronic back pain, fatigue, arthritis, low sex drive, poor digestion, and so much more. And every week under my care I see these people get better, and even completely heal. My philosophy is integrated into my work, and because it is so successful, I was encouraged by those around me to write a book to help patients and other chiropractors utilize what I have discovered to be true about energy, healing, and health in their own lives. Because it works.
My healing philosophy lets you connect with your inborn intelligence, the same force that is beating your heart and growing your hair right now, to optimize your healing potential and creative talents and basically just feel great every day. My perspective stems from a background of yoga, music, college athletics, and biology, but it is also coupled with my own personal experience of numerous sports injuries, a car accident on the 405 freeway, and good old-fashioned emotional stress. I desire to help you create a body that is strong, flexible, and adaptable to the stresses of living in a fast-paced, technologically advanced civilization.

“The Spinechecker’s Manifesto is a “rock opera” in comprehensive health awareness. This book strikes a major chord in a sea of health information which typically only scratches the surface on a balanced and complete lifestyle for optimal health potential. Dr. Jeremy’s book includes the most neglected component of superior health which is proper posture and maximum neurological expression. It teaches the basic premises of both time tested practices which include both yoga and chiropractic. This book is a must read book for those interested in attaining a level of superior health and maximum life extension. Truly a masterpiece!!!”
Dr. Bill DeMoss
Chiropractor and Founder of the "California Jam," an annual international rock and health festival in Southern California
“A quick read, page turner, that speaks the simple truth about the sacred importance of the spine in life, health and healing. A ‘must’ read for anyone seeking the true and full benefit of Chiropractic.”
Arno Burnier, D.C.
Renowned International & National Speaker on Life, Health, Healing and Chiropractic. Founder of Master Piece Seminars, Café of Life
“After 36 years of being a chiropractic patient, 24 years of being a doctor of chiropractic, and 10 years of training some of the top chiropractors in the world I can say that your book gives one of the best explanations of health, chiropractic, wellness, and yoga I have ever been exposed to. Bravo! Your book explains exactly how the body “works” in a manner that anyone can process. I think your book should be mandatory for ALL health care professionals and for all the people who ever plan on seeking health care advice from ANY health care professional. Your book is wonderfully surprising in its way of making the complex so simple to understand. Making the simple complex is easy — making the complex easy is genius.”
Dr. Jon Baker
“I thoroughly enjoyed the easy read of Dr. Brook’s book. An inspirational manifesto that provides insightful information about chiropractic. Dr. Brook brings to light how complementary and essential yoga is to chiropractic for maintaining a healthy and flexible spine.”
June Leslie Wieder, D.C.
Chiropractor and author of Song of The Spine
“I am so glad Dr. J manifested his Manifesto. There is so much in here, yet it’s a thin enough volume to not be intimidating. Take what he says to heart and watch yourself become a healthier, more loving, humane human.”
Erich Schiffmann
Author of YOGA: The Spirit and Practice of Moving into Stillness
“Dr. Jeremy Brook’s The Spinechecker’s Manifesto is a wonderful contribution to chiropractic literature and human potential. It links the truths from the wisdom traditions to common sense wisdom and chiropractic principles! Well done!”
Simon A. Senzon, MA, DC
Author of Chiropractic Foundations, The Secret History of Chiropractic, and The Spiritual Writings of B.J. Palmer
“A groundbreaking contribution to the field of holistic health & wellness. Dr Jeremy Brook brings together the field of chiropractic and yoga in a way that no one has before. He has a unique vision based on years as a chiropractor and a devoted student of Yoga. He is inspired and well versed on both subjects and he is able to bring alive these teachings in a dynamic and user friendly that inspires as well and teaches at the same time. May this book help many on their path of holistic wellness and bridge east & west, mind & heart, body & soul. Blessings and peace.”
Saul David Raye
World Renowned Yoga Teacher, Exhale’s Center for Sacred Movement
“Oftentimes, we see the world from within our own box—it’s human nature. We have to work at it to examine the edges, the corners, the boundaries and see which parts of whatever point of view we’re holding actually serve us and promote health and well-being. Dr. Jeremy Brook has done just that—examined fully the box of chiropractic (including the founding principles of the scientific art) and the box of Yoga, and the bigger box of the human body, as well as what it means to be really healthy. His keen sensibility, sharp mind and inquisitive spirit have penned a manifesto that offers something profound and meaningful for the reader to contemplate, and use as a springboard to question the status quo of mainstream medical information that we’re given and instead, to actually explore what good health really means and how we can cultivate it. The enthusiasm with which Dr. Brook writes is palpable and his carefully thought-out ideas and syntheses of traditions will spark self-inquiry. He’ll inspire belief in chiropractic if you’re a skeptic and encourage you to try a Yoga practice appropriate to your body and situation. The Spinechecker’s Manifesto is a testament to Dr. Jeremy Brook, to the complementary sciences of chiropractic and Yoga and is a welcome addition to current thoughts on health. And…you can’t help but smile as you read it; Dr. Brook’s lively voice offers up ideas that make this worthy of returning to its pages again and again.”
Felicia Marie Tomasko, RNEditor-in-Chief, LA YOGA Ayurveda and Health Magazine President, California Association of Ayurvedic Medicine Member, Board of Directors, National Ayurvedic Medical Association
Purchase The Spinechecker’s Manifesto